There’s some lovely singing on this Sack Boris video. Apparently it is a “play on Phil Ochs’ song “Here’s to the State of Mississippi””



  1. anton Coyle says:

    I am afraid I could ot play the music.But htere is no way I could vote for bungling Boris when He made the stupif Gaffe about the St Patricks Day dinner event in London,Calling it I R A CRAP when it had nothing whatever to do with Sinn Fein,How could He be so stupid Anton

  2. Jim Jepps says:

    Hmm, the video does seem to have been takeen off-life – that’s a shame it was performed very well.

    Youu’re right about the st Patrick’s Day “gaffe” (if that’s what it was) it does demonstrate an underlying racism that all Irish people are the same. I’d forgotten about it, but it was incredibly crass and offensive.

  3. Jim Jepps says:

    After some fiddling – i can make it work in some browsers but not Firefox… hmmm… hit the limit of my skills now – sorry!

    You can watch it direct at YouTube here

  4. Elliot F says:

    Awesome you put it up!

    Phil Ochs also did a version of his song about Richard Nixon, which someone else turned into a song about Rudy Guilani, ex Mayor of New York. I thought it only fair that Boris had his turn. After all, if there’s a byword for incompetence and idiocy, it’s Boris Johnson.

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