Post Tagged with: "BNP"

  • Number crunching: What about the right?

    While understandably most of the news focuses on the big winners and losers of the election here at Big Smoke we try to give you something that you’d be hard pressed to find anywhere else. So let’s take a look at the tiddlers that were swimming in the big electoral […]

  • Tottenham Court Road terror man was BNP General Election candidate

    On Friday Tottenham Court Road was closed off for several hours after a man stormed into offices above Starbucks having strapped on a number of gas canisters. Michael Green was searching for “Abby” over a row about an HGV licence but when Abby told Green that “Abby” wasn’t in she […]

  • Fact check: Lib Dems play dangerous maths on the far right

    A few weeks ago at the Uprise Mayoral “youth” hustings Brian Paddick made what seemed to be an off-hand remark. He claimed that a vote for the Liberal Democrats could keep the far right BNP out of the Assembly. There was so much nonsense being spoken that night that it […]