Archive for category: Overflow

  • Croydon, Assange and Barnbrook: A few of London’s recent press complaints rulings

    The Press Complaints Commission handily publishes its rulings in one handy place. Flicking through the rulings I noted a few London based complaints that people might be interested in. The rulings aren’t always earth shattering, resulting in a correction or slight apology but interesting none the less; Ex-BNP Assembly Member […]

  • Some weekend links

    A few links for the weekend; There are some  really interesting statistics from Green AM Darren Johnson on how affordable are London rents? Mayor Watch on the Mayor’s new policing deputy utterly mucking up. If you’d like to you can support the campaign to stop London restaurants serve Foie Gras. […]

  • Today’s London Links: Olympics news

    A few of the items we’ve spotted in the last week or so around the upcoming games. After all the fuss about people selling their torches on ebay the Olympics organisers are flogging off “memorabilia”. Guardian. Just another feminist asks are they the international Olympic committee or the gender police? […]

  • Weekend London Links: a catch-up miscellany

    We’ve spotted lots of interesting links over the last week which we’ve not yet had the chance to highlight, so let’s make a start in catching-up; London buses one at a time is a great blog by a group of “ladies who bus”. Twitter “bullying” is bestial, but there are […]

  • Welcome to Southwark, now keep out

    Sometimes you get the impression that some estates are all stick and no carrot. This is actually the one green space in the immediate, and it is of course behind bars, unused and it is forbidden to play on it. Why don’t they build a glue factory on it and […]

  • The Picasso of the road

    There seems to be a few of these around London. Really lovingly graffiti-ed vans gracing our roads, or often just our car parks. Long may it continue.

  • Today’s London Links: Law and order

    Some of the stories from around the capital on crime and policing; John Titlow in Read Write Web the is worried about London’s police and mobile privacy. The family of a man who died in police custody plead for answers Evening Standard. The Weekly Worker calls for the end of harassment […]

  • 24 hour service – shut

    In fairness to them they say they are open for 24 hours, but they don’t specify on the sign *which* 24-hours they’re talking about.

  • Tuesday’s London Links

    Some of those links that we’ve spotted in the last few days; Labour members are concerned that Assembly Member Fiona Twycross is misusing data in internal elections. Left Futures, Labour List. Is your sandwich killing you? The Daily Mail? Nope, The Evening Standard. Also in the Evening Standard, house prices […]

  • Olympic flame dies: a nation struggles to cope

    I’m beginning to think the Olympic flame is getting more press attention than the fires that were lighting up London’s boroughs in spring last year. Sadly it has gone out on the way here so that’s it, the Olympics are cancelled apparently. You heard it here first. A spokeswoman for […]