Religion can be a complex subject at the best of times, but when you add in the messy and beautiful mix that is urban life we can get something rather special.

Last night urban diary observed one such exchange even though we weren’t ear-wigging, honest.

A young woman in headscarf was joined by a male friend and fellow student. They chatted about classes for a bit and it was clear they were both politically active (with a small ‘p’) and Muslim.

She was passionately describing an event she had organised and how it had gone really well. Then she stopped and said “But you know it’s men who are meant to be in the leadership role.” He shook his head “Not necessarily.”

She got more passionate “Yes, they should. The Koran tells us that it’s men who should be leading!” He looked sheepish “I”m not sure about that really…”

At which point she became quite enraged and brow beat her companion, who became quieter and quieter as time went on. She insisted that, effectively, she should beĀ deferringĀ to him until she’d well and truly ensured that he was far too cowed to contradict her. I guess she won that round?



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